Optimism, Resilience & Mindfulness

We explored how our interpretations and the stories we tell ourselves affect our ability to deal with challenges. We'll do this using an excerpt from an article titled "The Benefits of Optimism are Real" and a technique from therapist and creative coach Eric Maisel that he describes as follows:

[it] comes from two primary sources, cognitive and positive psychology from the West and breath awareness and mindfulness techniques from the East. I'd been working with creative and performing artists for more than twenty years as a therapist and creativity coach and wanted to find a quick, simple technique that would help them deal with the challenges they regularly face.

How to Use It

  • Speak the (first part) of the statement to yourself during a five-second in-breath, and the (second part) during the five-second exhalation.
  • The 3rd phrase, "doing my work", is substituted with whatever your work or task is at the moment

Twelve Statements

  1. (I am completely) (stopping)
  2. (I expect) (nothing)
  3. (I am) (*doing my work*) E.g., painting, bookkeeping, baking.
  4. (I trust) (my resources)
  5. (I feel) (supported)
  6. (I embrace) (this moment)
  7. (I am free) (of the past)
  8. (I make) (my meaning)
  9. (I am open) (to joy)
  10. (I am equal) (to this challenge)
  11. (I am) (taking action)
  12. (I return) (with strength)

From the book "Ten Zen Seconds"
– Eric Maisel

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