Welcome to Community Meditation

Community Meditation is non-profit network of meditation groups. We bring mindfulness and wellness into people’s lives through courses, meditation sittings and group discussions, both in-person and online. By sharing the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, we support the evolution of a wise, caring, and healthy world.

Our network has existed for over a decade and although our roots are Buddhist, we draw on many wisdom traditions as well as contemporary wellness, psychology, and neuroscience. Community Meditation is completely volunteer-based and guided by a council of experienced teachers.

Community Meditation is a Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity No. 73107 5719 RR0001.

What We're Up To

All online sessions include a 20-minute silent meditation. New to meditation? Instruction is available.

Monday, July 22 – Body and Mind

Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET

Please join Brenda, Gordon, Jim, and Sharon for 20 minutes of silent meditation followed by Bhante Gunaratana's advice on what to do with your body and your mind as you engage in meditation practice. All are welcome as we continue reading and discussing his book Mindfulness in Plain English. You don't have to have a copy of the book or be familiar with it.

Mindfulness of breathing is a present-moment awareness.  When you are doing it properly, you are aware only of what is occurring in the present.  You don't look back, and you don't look forward.
— Bhante Gunaratana

Tuesday, July 23 – A Precious Human Body

Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET

Tune in with Kaye-Lee for meditation, followed by our ongoing consideration of Jack Kornfield's book, The Wise Heart. This week, we delve into The Precious Human Body. There's no need to be familiar with the book.

Within this fathom-long body and mind is found all of the teachings​.
– Jack Kornfield

Wednesday, July 24 – Untangling the Net

Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET

Join Sandi, Lauren, Adam, and Jessica as we continue to explore Mark Nepo's book, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen. What if our emphasis is not on blaming the conflict on anyone? Nets left in the sea will tangle; that’s what nets do. Everyone is welcome and there's no need to be familiar with the book.

We [often] focus…on the impasse. The emphasis is on the brokenness, not the oneness that was broken.
― Mark Nepo

Thursday, July 25 – Meditation & Discussion

Click here to visit our Meetup

Join Debbie as she travels to Owen Sound to host Thursday's session of meditation and discussion (topic to be determined).

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
— W.B. Yeats

Friday, July 26 – Patience

Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET

Join Debbie on Friday to explore the traditional teachings known as The Paramitas. This week, we’ll continue looking into the experience and practice of patience.

Patience is the foundation of all virtues. Know that the weak can never do great deeds.
― Gautama Buddha

Sunday, July 28 – Three Types of Materialism                                           

Click here to join on Zoom @ 10:15 AM ET

Join Debbie on Sunday to explore the ways we grasp at things, ideas, and feelings to keep ourselves from feeling adrift and anxious.

If we were at home in our own mind, we wouldn't have to spend life chasing after only a small range of prized feelings, to arrange like trophies on a shrine, rejecting all other emotions as lesser, unworthy of our experience.
― Ethan Nichtern

The Actual Moment

A poem by Thich Nhat Hanh:

Drink your tea slowly and reverently,
as if it is the axis
on which the world earth revolves
– slowly, evenly, without
rushing toward the future;
Live the actual moment.
Only this moment is life.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash


Ken & the Community Meditation Team

Our Aspiration

We started this meditation network to help you bring more clarity, balance, caring and joy to your life and your community.

What We Offer

  • Free meditation instruction and one-on-one follow-up sessions
  • Regular online sittings
  • Online wellness courses on Joyfulness, Mindful Leadership, Buddhism, Mindfuless & Anxiety, Compassion, and more


The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer.
― Thomas Merton