Community Meditation is non-profit network of meditation groups. We bring mindfulness and wellness into people’s lives through courses, meditation sittings and group discussions, both in-person and online. By sharing the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, we support the evolution of a wise, caring, and healthy world.
Our network has existed for over a decade and although our roots are Buddhist, we draw on many wisdom traditions as well as contemporary wellness, psychology, and neuroscience. Community Meditation is completely volunteer-based and guided by a council of experienced teachers.
Community Meditation is a Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity No. 73107 5719 RR0001.
Your donations, either one-time or with a monthly subscription, help us to pay rent, insurance and other basic expenses. We are a volunteer organization and all of our costs are covered by donations and course fees. Oline donors will receive an annual tax receipt for the full amount of their donations in each calendar year.
One-Time Donation Monthly Donation
NOTE: For monthly donations, use the Qty button to adjust the amount in units of $5. For example, a Qty of "3" is 3 x 5 = $15.
All online sessions, except our short morning sessions, include a 20-minute silent meditation. New to meditation? Instruction is available.
Click here to join on Zoom @ 8:45 AM ET
Looking for a mindful start to your day? We're launching silent group meditations from 8:45 to 9 AM ET, Monday to Friday. There is no meditation instruction available in these sessions–if you'd like instruction, email
Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET
Please join Brenda, Gordon, Sharon, and Jim for 20 minutes of silent meditation followed by a continued reading of Pema Chödrön's Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World. You don't need to have the book or be familiar with it. Everyone is welcome!
To welcome the unwelcome requires that we have the courage to not be undone by it, to not be seduced by it, and to not become it.
– Pema Chodron
Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET
Please join Kaye-Lee, Gloria, and Marian for 20 minutes of silent meditation. We’ll then be reading and discussing "The Power of an Open Question" by Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel. It is not necessary to be familiar with the book.
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel has written a bold, playful, and invigorating book about the Buddha ‘s most important and subtle teachings.
– Pema Chodron
Click here for directions
Join Debbie for 20 minutes of silent meditation followed by a continued reading and discussion of Pema Chodron's insightful thinking.
If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.
– Pema Chodron
Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET
Join Lauren, Adam, and Sandi as we continue reading and discussing Pema Chodron's Practicing Peace In Times of War. Our session will begin with 20 minutes of silent meditation, and there's no need to be familiar with the book.
...behind all hardening and tightening and rigidity of the heart, there's always fear. But if you touch fear, behind fear there is a soft spot...
– Pema Chodron
Click here to visit our Meetup
This week, join Tammy for 35 minutes of sitting and walking meditation, followed by a reading and discussion (topic to be determined).
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
— Marcus Aurelius
Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET
Join Debbie to continue reading and discussing Meditations for Mortals. There's no need to be familiar with the book. This session is open to all and will start with 20 minutes of silent meditation.
It’s alarming to face the prospect that you might never truly feel as though you know what you’re doing...But it’s liberating, too, because it removes a central reason for feeling self-conscious or inhibited about your performance in those domains in the present moment.
― Oliver Burkeman
Click here to join on Zoom @ 7 PM ET
Join Debbie McCubbin to explore how Joanna Macy and David Loy, both authors of important books on the intersection of Buddhism and climate issues, see things unfolding. The session will begin with 20 minutes of silent meditation.
Friday EcoDharma sessions are for those experiencing anxiety or grief about environmental issues. The aim is to bring mindfulness and Buddhist practices to our distress, and to build community.
May all of us have the courage to open ourselves to the time that we live in, to let it shape us as we, in turn, shape it. May we perceive what is being asked of us. May we awaken here, on this sharp edge of uncertainty.
― Stephanie Kaza
Click here to join on Zoom @ 10:15 AM ET
Join Debbie on Sunday for 20 minutes of silent meditation, followed by a discussion (topic to be determined).
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
— Aristotle
Unless you build websites, you probably don't spend much time thinking about which web browser to use. Sixty-seven percent of people used Google's Chrome browser in 2024, with Apple's Safari in second place at 18%. I bring this up because many of us do a lot of Web browsing, often in ways that undermine our mental, physical, and emotional health. As I've noted before, the Center for Humane Technology has an excellent Take Control page with tips on digital well-being. This week, something new popped up on my radar: Opera Air, "the world’s first browser with mindfulness at its core".
It's fairly straightforward to change the Web browser on your computer or mobile device, although there's no mobile version of Opera Air yet. The people who bother to switch browsers typically do so for security, privacy, or performance reasons. The Norway-based Opera has added a new rationale–being healthier and more mindful!
The web is beautiful but it can be chaotic and overwhelming. We decided to look at science-backed ways to help our users navigate it in a way that makes them feel and function better.
– Mohamed Salah, Opera
What exactly does Opera Air offer? Through a subtle sidebar menu, you can quickly access:
The guided exercises feature custom lengths, voices, soundtracks, and nature sounds.
Opera Air has all the features most people would need in a browser, including privacy and AI chat, and it's easy to bring your bookmarks over from Chrome or another browser. I applaud Opera for building out such an extensive set of mindfulness and wellbeing tools into their browser, at no cost.
It's still in "early access" mode, so there will be minor bugs to work out, but if you spend a significant amount of time online you might browse yourself into a more calm, focused, and mindful day.
Ken & the Community Meditation Team
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash
We started this meditation network to help you bring more clarity, balance, caring and joy to your life and your community.
The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer.
― Thomas Merton