Voice of the Witness

This week we read a 10% Happier article about the term "witness" that's sometimes used to describe a certain state of mind. Then we explore it using VOICE (Voice Of Innate Clarity Exercise) to work with The Judge, The Witness, and The Wise Heart.

Here's how the article begins:

You may have noticed that experienced meditators sometimes speak in code. For example, “I’m sitting with a lot of anger right now” is meditation-ese for “I am extremely pissed off at you.” Or, “It’s interesting to watch all of these thoughts come and go” is meditator code for “I can’t freaking sit still for five seconds right now!”

One term meditation nerds often use is the word “Witness.” Usually as a noun, though sometimes as a verb. “Rest in the witness,” many meditation teachers say. What does that mean?

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