Mindfulness of Body + A Meditation that Explore Stress

We mixed up our usual schedule up a bit this week, starting with a 15 minute meditation and then reading a short article on one of the four foundations of mindfulness: mindfulness of body. Here is part of what Shambhala founder Chogyam Trungpa wrote:

Mindfulness plays a very important role in this technique. In this case, mindfulness means that when you sit and meditate, you actually do sit. You actually do sit as far as the psychosomatic body is concerned. You feel the ground, body, breath, temperature. You don’t try specifically to watch and keep track of what is going on. You don’t try to formalize the sitting situation and make it into some special activity that you are performing. You just sit.

We wrapped up with a guided meditation that combines breath awareness, a body scan, and mindfulness of thoughts to explore sources of stress and anxiety.

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