What is Mindfulness? We read and discusssed an article that unpacks its many meanings in classical Buddhism, for example:

Mindfulness does not just mean being aware or being conscious, because one is always conscious when not comatose or dead. Consciousness is the fundamental quality of mind, un...

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We practiced meditation–while sitting and walking–and then watched a short video about stories--how they can inspire, guide, and elevate us. The speaker, Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, says this in her talk:

A good story is like a compass, it points to something true and invites us to orient our own...

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This week, after sitting and walking meditation, we read an article about natural awareness and how it relates to meditation:

What some meditative traditions call “natural awareness” is a state of being wherein our focus is on awareness itself rather than on the things we are aware of. It’s “a...

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